Thursday, October 23, 2008

Irish Weather

At this minute in time i am sitting in the college libary looking out the window at what looks like the most depressing scene i have encountered for a very long time, there is poeple, leaves and trees been thrown around outside! I want to live somehwere sunny!! Not only the weather would depress me but this years budget!! Good god, what sort of people do we have running this country at all? Old age pensioners with very little, who have worked hard all their lives and paid taxes all their lives are being sent to an early grave as our government wants to take the only piece of security they have away from them! Not only are the older generation of this country being affected by this not very well thought out budget but the younger generation are being affected too! Next year to go to college i have to pay €1500 to go to college! Not alone is the cost of living crazy there is added pressure to familes! Should we not be reducing these fees so that students will be enocouraged to attend college? To get good degrees and be able to get out of this country where there is little or nop work for them?! How long will it take for the government to realise that they need to do something more to encourage business to locate here and to get the economy back up and running!!