Friday, November 21, 2008

Virtual communities, how far is too far?

Virtual Communities are online communities or gaherings where people from anywhere in the world can blog about, well anything! In my opinion i think that yes there is a market or a need
for virtual communities as they are good for businesses, but of corse there is always two sides to every story. On one hand, it is information for millions of people on products and bussinesss. People who are passionate about their hobbies usually visit these virtual communities to taHarley davidson motorcyclelk to other fanactics about their shared love of...
well anything reallly, Jeeps, motorcylces, books and shows.
(the list goes on!)

Second Life imageHowever I have come to realise that every coin has two sides and this is no execpption, many people do have a healthy attraction to these communities there is a minority or what seems to be a 'major'ority of people who have an unhealthy obsession with these communities. For example, one virtual community called secong life has become a virtual life fro many people. Businesses advertise in these site, real pubs, places and people are all capitivated by this magicial imaginary world.

How safe is this? If everybody is online living out their social lives in a virtual world, meeting virtual friends in virtual places, is this going totake over?
Is it too late to stop and say enough is enough, or has this already gone too far?
Cold World
Has the world become so cold, so unsocialable that people turn to the internet fot social interaction? Is this what we have to look forward too?
I think we should stop now before it gets too out of control online socialising is at an all time high, have we become so lazy that we will not walk outside to visit a friend?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Carroll cops on!!

Our very own lovable class clown mr.Cian Carroll has finally got a blog!!!
check it here

My Super Sweet 18th!

oh i can not wait for the 25th of April! yes, i am aware that it is another 5months away! although, i can not help but think of what i am going to do to celebrate my legality! My mum has already booked the weekend away from the 27th-29th in Dunboyne for her, my auntys and of course the birthday girl!!! moi!! I have decided that i am going to my favouite pub Lynches in the wonderful town of Ardee!!! where the moet will be on ice ALL NIGHT LONG!!!!! woo hoo..... i cant wait!! i'll post the list of gifts i would like,,, get the loans out folks!!!!

Lucky me, i'm B!

Strange title you may ask? Note the sarcasim!!! Today i have a presentation to do for a recent pr campaign on the benefits of fruit for children! No major problem with that! wrong... typically i would have to be the first on the class role and am first to present! Not only am i nervous but i will have all my friends watching me!! To you who do not know me, when i am nervous i begin to laugh hysterically!! (which is not great if i am trying to do a presentation!) Not only that but the zip on the jeans i am wearing busted!!!! Not my day...... (i hope no body notices!!)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Best song!!! The Script-Breakeven

This is in my opinion the best song from the new Irish band 'the script'. To check out their web page click here!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

My Sixth Year Graduation Speech

My Friends on our graduation nightThis is my sixth year gradiuation speech which i wrote, enjoy.
I graduated from Ardee Community School in May 2008.

Good evening Ladies, Gentlemen and fellow classmates of the graduation class of 2008.

"Education is the most powerful weaponwhich you can use to change the world"- Nelson mandela
If i stood up here five years ago and said that to a crowd of first year students I doubt that I would get any responce. This evening we are celebrating our graduation from secondary school and in so doing we have intergrated ourselves into the real world. The world of hard work, pressure (which i know we're all under at the minute) and uncertanity. We are no longer able to hide within the walls of this establishment, we can no longer escape from our responsibilites and hope that they will dissappear or pray some one else will take care of them. We know education and learning is the future we should look forward to and at this moment in time our future is in our own hands.
When we leave here tonight we should leave with a sense of pride. We should be proud of the effort which each one of us has put in over the past five years.
Undoubtedly, tonight we reminise about our journey through Ardee Community School. The past five years have been a rollercoaster of memories which each one of us has shared with one another. Tonight we also take the first step towards our future and look forward to the challenges which it may bring.
Do you remember one September morning in 2003 when we as a year group came face to face for the first time? Can you picture this year group on that morning? Do you remember the students you met and are not with us now? I think you will agree that over the last five years we have changes and become young adults (however some teachers may disagree!) It is strange how it isn't until you try and look back on the countless number of memories we had here that you realise how much you dont remember, but i've tried my best!
Going back to the beginning of our time spent in A.C.S it seems as if it were centuries ago, yet only five years have past. Do you remember one of the main attractions of first year?
Yes, it was the trip to Paris. For some of us it was the chance to interact and mingle as a groupEiffel Tower. however for a lot of us, it was the chance to get away from our parents for four days and this was too big an opportunity to pass up! Although there were a few rules such as delightful hats (which must always be worn) and no delaying the group by sleeping in, (Stephanie and Laura!) We spent a great deal of time on the bus listening to the song"Lost in France! This may have been the reason why a small group of us broke away and ran through a few water fountains singing the unforgetable tune! But of course we have grown up alot since then!!!

A.C.S is famous for its many school trips over the years although our year will always be remembered for the "ACCIDENTS" which occurred on these trips. Robyn Finlay in first year decided that visiting French hospitals should be on the agenda and took it upon herslef to fall down a few steps, break her arm and get a few stiches! I belive however that she just wanted to spend an extra few nights in France!
In first year we also got a taste for music, and if anyone remembers our first music recital where dj/rapper/songwritter Jamie O'Brian showed us his skills with the song he wrote called "first year blues". Yes, this was a rap song which the first year musicians helped him bring to the stage! (I have also been informed that Jamie is known to appear in the castle Inn on occasion as Dj Urban Night.) In our first year the school got a glimpse of the talent and thirst for music which our year will be vivildy remembered for. Girls basketball will also be remembered in first year, (not only as it was the only year we won something!), but a vast numeber of girls became truely caught up with a lasting love of the sport. Through the years our year has remained true to the love and enjoyment of sport in this school. ALthough, never forgetting to catch up on any work which they would have missed in class.
Our first year in A.C.S passed with flying colours and to everyones amazment second year was no different!
We did our junior cert in the summer of 2006, which was a big deal to all of us at the time. (i'm sure at this minute we would all love to all have to worry about the junior Cert this Summer!) The Junior Cert practicial singing group will always remember how they told the examiner that they wrote the Rod Stuwart song "sailing" or when Mr.Constuction himself Philip White mananaged to let fire go up his arm in science class. Many of these experiences which we have shared will be a lasting memory for us all. After doing our Junior Cert we said good bye to a few of our fellow students and bid a fond farewell to MR.Crilly who served as principal during our junior cylcle, As principal he was a fair and tolerant man who tried to instill in us the love of learning which he himself had. At the start of our junior cycle we began by giving a warm welcome to our current principal Ms.Jackson who has encouraged each of us to work hard to fufil our poetential. Fifth year would bring to my horror a sentence which will haunt me for life "forget about the junior Cert the leaving Cert exam is so much more important!" i doubt i'm alone when i felt like crying as each one of my teachers said it.

Stephen Steo Skitz FaheyIn fifth year music was in full swing (and not because our year head is over the choir) bands like "the familiar things" and artists like "Steo Skitz" were popular throughout the year group. With the release of an album by Stephen "Steo Skitz" Fahey called "real life and ambitions", it was a great accomplishment for Stephen and showed a true representation of the talent in our year. (oh, we still have great hopes for Stephen as we are waiting for the release of a second album, "Stephen Fahey the Documentary")
The image of fifth year which in my opinion we will most remember is that of the trip to Madrid. Forty student from the year went on a trip to Madrid during the Easter HolidayShauna Gilespie and Eava Kerrs. We will all have the wonderful memories such as the trip to Warner brother's theme park, the bearnabeau stadium, the "it" crew, oh and the palace in Madrid on the first night , where Jamie decided to try and juggle although failing...miserably" That trip our year did not dissappoint and managed to live up to its name and yes another "accident" occurred to everyone's horror on the go-karts. Only this time "the broken girks" Shauna and Eavan did manage to come home with the group. On that trip, we as a group grew closer and we will always have the memories to share with each other,
(as you know not all can be said out loud and we are all sworn to secrecy!)

Una ColemanFifth year did not fail to provide us with some humorous experiences which must be mentioned, as everyone I'm sure remembers Declan Nulty and how he was cello taped to a chair in class by a group of girls,(I have been warned not to mention names,) or when Una Coleman decided to dress up like Rod Stuwart in a delightful blonde wig!

We eventually made it to sixth year, we are now the top dogs, respected by teachers and looked up to by younger students and with the dreaded leaving Cert looming upon us is brings me back to my first point.
Eductaion and learning is not to be wasted, education is a powerful weapon which each of us can us to change the world in his or her own way. Our teachers and parents at the start of the year tried to coax each and every one of us to work hard for the year as we would not be under too much pressure come May, and ofr the few of us that listened I'm sure they'reBaryy Gosling laughing now...
6th year has managed to be the most memorable, funniest year we have spent together! This year alone we have shared plenty of experiences which will become long lasting memories for each of us such as Una Coleman falling off her chair in maths. We can not forget Mr.Callaghan and his sixth year maths class who owe him a huge thank you for his wonderful stories of Mr.Darcy and putting up with Barry's bad jokes!

Who knows where life will lead us in ten years down the line. In our year group, maybe there a future famous artist (or two), perhaps a future Brain Cowen or a few future teachers among us who will end up back here only this time it will be the other side of the desk. However one thing is certain, where ever we end up I' positive that no body will ever forget the experiences they have had here.

This brings me to the many thanks I have to say, first and fore most thank you so much to our year head Ms. Ryan who put up with each and every one of us as i'm sure she has one or two stories of her own to tell, thank you for helping us and guiding us throughout our time spent here(and goodluck with your first years next year too). Another big thank you to our assistant year head Ms. Coen who always stepped in and gave a helping hand when ever we needed it. To both of you we are truely grateful!

At the beginning of sixth year Mr.Mathews retired. We wish him well in his retirement and thank him for helping us throughout first to fifth year. To Ms.Jackson, Mr.O'Sullivan and all our teachers who have guided us from first to sixth year, I'm sure there were a few bumps along the way however we have finally made it! It is you who have made our experiences at A.C.S most memorable and cherished and we owe you a huge thank you, after all it has been your guidance and help which in a few weeks we will be most grateful for.
To all our parents a huge thank you. After all, our parents enrolled us in school. They chose this school for each one of us and what a wise choice they made. Thank you for choosing such a wonderful learning enviroment which has helped each child blossom.

Finally, my last and biggest thank you is to each of the students from the graduation class of 2008, as all of the memories we have shared would not have been possible if it were'nt for you.
All that's left to say now is congratulations class of 2008 and best of luck in the future.
Good Night.6 Oak