Sunday, November 30, 2008

why is everyone turned on by sex on the net?

The online sex industry is looked upon as the internets dirty little secret. However this little secret isnt so little and is raking in millions every year! What i dont undersand is, how so many people can look down upon this industry and still surf the net for it!
Everything, from dating sites to sex shops, you name it. Its on the net!
Porn is the best seller when it comes to the sex indusrty. I do not understand how guys and girls have the confidence to actually broadcast themselves engaging in sex, knowing where it is going to end up!
Maybe it is just me but i would not find looking at another man or woman even slightly interesting!
So why is everyone so "turned on" by the idea of sex on the internet? Is it the excitment, the fun?
Am i alone or is there still people in the world who thinks sex should be private?
Sex, is a natural thing. It is a romantic, intimate statement between two people which in my opinion does not need to be shared with millions of people worldwide!

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